2002 – Sept 1, 2013
I got him and Joe from the same shelter in March 2003. They had no history on either of them or even what their names had been. Stinky had been found by a landlord in an abandoned rental house with several other cats left to die. Stinky was only 7 pounds butStinky is a growing boy (about 3 years old now) and is now over 16 lbs and still growing. I named him "Stinky" because he had a parasite that cause him to have the runs when I first got him and on the three hour ride back from the shelter he crapped all over himself in the carrier and was covered head to toe so his first memory of being in my house is of being washed off and thus the name "Stinky".
Stinky passed away in my arms at 4:11 pm on September 1, 2013 from complications of Chronic Renal Failure.
Some more pictures of Stinky:
Stinky fresh after his first bath
Brewster showing off for the camera
Brewster was very special to me. Raised from a little kitten with big feet (saved from the Humane Society on his last day) , he was my constant companion through four moves and 19 years of my life. He seemed more intelligent than most cats I've had. He would stand on the toilet tank and flush the toilet to watch the water go down. He could open screen doors and kitchen cabinets. He always was the boss over all the other cats (and dogs) I've had. His main job was the official greeter, as he would always be waiting at the door or at the car to great me. He led a long and eventfull life that was cut short by still unknown assailents who killed him in my back yard with a bow and arrow on August 3, 1997. I miss him dearly.
Rodent was my Baby cat. I have also had him since a kitten. He wasn't as smart as Brewster was, but made up for it in sweetness as he was a very loving animal. He died February 23, 1998 at age 16 after renal failure and a stroke
Here's yet another RODENT pic.
He was about a y/o male stray when he found me in October 98. He loved to climb trees and chase squirrels. He caught 4 of them in the last year, brought them home alive and let them lose in the house. He was killed Jan 15th 2003 by an unknown hit and run driver.
Here's another pic of Baldrick
Here's yet another pic of Baldrick
Here's a pic of Baldrick in a box
Here's a pic of Baldrick being silly
I got Joe Cat from a shelter in Colonial Beach VA in March 2003. I knew the first moment I saw him that he was coming home with me. He was very old and there was no history on him at all. He was partly blind and had a collar that was so tight it had to be surgically removed. He was the sweetest prince of a cat and enjoyed being a true lap cat. On July 19 he passed away in my arms at 3:38am from renal failure from cancer. He is sorely missed
Page Updated August 6, 2005